Corporate customers and institutional investors

Corporate customers and Institutional investors

Corporate clients and institutional investors from Salzburg and Upper Austria are advised at our location Salzburg Schwarzstraße.
from Eastern Austria (Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna) at our location Vienna Renngasse location and from Western Austria (Tyrol and Vorarlberg) are advised at our locations Innsbruck and Bregenz.

Dr. Peter Fuchsberger

Corporate customers and institutional investors Eastern Austria

Palais Rothschild
Renngasse 3
A-1010 Vienna

Tel. +43 1 53471 1618

Fax. +43 1 53471 441618

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Mag. Stephan Maxonus, MBA

Region Central and Eastern Europe

Palais Rothschild
Renngasse 3
A-1010 Vienna

Tel. +43 1 534 71 1391

Fax. +43 1 534 71 441391

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Josef Wiener

Corporate customers and institutional investors Austria middle

Schwarzstraße 32
A-5027 Salzburg

Tel. +43 662 86 84 2313

Fax. +43 662 86 84 2373

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Johannes Böhler

Corporate customers and institutional investors Austria west

Montfortstraße 3
6900 Bregenz

Tel. +43 5574 454 40 0

Fax. +43 5574 454 44

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