
Invest rather than speculate

Schoellerbank’s investment policy focuses on the long term and on security. Depending on your personal investment requirement, we provide a variety of services, including comprehensive asset management and individual investment consultancy.

Quality for more success

Our experience shows that outstanding business quality is reflected in outstanding price development of shares. Companies, which have proven management, a high level of financial power, as well as presence of innovative products on the global markets, will also be successful in the future.

Schoellerbank Equity Rating - selecting the best

Schoellerbank has a transparent and effective instrument for the qualification of shares: The Schoellerbank Equity Rating. In this process, companies are assessed according to six different criteria.

The fulfilment of each criteria is rated with one quality point. A company must fulfil at least four quality requirements in order to be considered as a long-term investment in accordance with the Schoellerbank investment strategy.

Only the best companies in the world meet all quality criteria. In addition, the current valuation of the company is of great importance.


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